About Us

Nine Ten publishes non-fiction books by residents of Canada on topics related to art, craft and creativity. We are interested, especially, in books that are decidedly not "mainstream"—books that explore a topic or topics deeply, written by authors who know a whole lot about something most folks know very little about. Our goal is not to shine light on the obscure, but rather to serve readers who hunger for books that scratch beneath the surface of the topics they’re passionate, nerdy, geeky and obsessive about. We are driven by our values of equity, accessibility, diversity, and environmental and economic sustainability.

Nine Ten also publishes the online magazine Digits & Threads.

Who We Are

Head shot of Kate Atherley, white woman with brown hair, wearing glasses and a handknitted scarf.

Kate Atherley: Co-Founder

Kate (she/her) is an internationally known knitting teacher, designer, author and editor. She has written or co-authored nine books, and her focus in all her work is the empowerment of knitters, illuminating both the methods and mechanics of the craft. The combination of her university degree in mathematics, professional experience in software development, technical writing and usability, and training in garment and fashion design give her a unique perspective. She also works as an editor and technical editor, helping other designers and authors bring their work into the world. In 2020, she co-founded Nine Ten Publications and its flagship online magazine, Digits & Threads. Kate lives in Toronto, ON, with her husband and their rescue dog, Winnie.

Head shot of Kim Werker, white woman with greying dark hear, wearing glasses and a handwoven scarf.

Kim Werker: Co-Founder & Publisher

Over her two-decade career in crafts and publishing Kim (she/her) has written or co-authored seven books and edited countless others; founded, run and sold an online crochet magazine; served as editor of Interweave Crochet magazine; and spoken and taught at conferences across North America. Eventually she realized that working in craft publishing is her professional dream, and it was time to start a values-driven small press. In 2020, Kim co-founded Nine Ten Publications and its flagship online magazine, Digits & Threads. Kim lives in Vancouver, BC, where she weaves, experiments with natural pigments she forages around her neighbourhood, and shares photos of her family’s ridiculous dog.